
Jul 22, 2012

Zoned in Life

You know what I love about VBS?
Well, besides all the sweet little sticky faces?
I love that when you are in the midst of it
You are totally submerged in it.

Before it starts, it's very stressful
making sure you have everything,
making sure what you do have is right,
making sure you have enough people
to do what needs to be done,
decorations, snacks,
housecleaning, (cause you won't be
doing it for another week), etc.

But once it starts...
You're in the zone!
You've given up on your life
and your work.
Every thought and action
is for VBS.
You put your life on hold for a week.
Everybody is working together...
common goal...
...of one accord.
It's about making VBS work,
about getting children saved!
My opinions, my feelings, my whatever...
don't matter.
It's about getting kids saved...
or at the very least...telling them about the Saviour.

And during this time...
there is no stress.
Because I've ceased from worrying about my STUFF
and am zoned in on doing God's stuff.
And there's no burden with His stuff.

Our old Pastor used to say,
"Quit working for yourself,
and start working for God.
While you're working on His stuff,
He'll be taking care of yours."

I want to be like that all the time.
I want to live my life like that.
Where everything I do,
every thought I have,
is Jesus...
I want to cease from worrying about my life
and zone in on His life and His cause.
He says, "My yoke is easy,
and my burden is light."
Yep...I have found that to be so.

So...why do I linger in this life?

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